How To Give Yourself A MANicure

Ok guys, hear us out on this one. Manicures aren’t just for girls. The old quick cut with the nail clippers doesn’t cut it and you really do need to tend to your tips too. So, we’ve rounded up a few manly top tips to keep your tips in tip top shape.


Get soaked


Fill a bowl with warm soapy water and soak your hands in the warm water for about 5-10 minutes. This will soften your skin and make the few next steps easy-peasy.


Push-back time


Around your nails you have what’s known as cuticles, dead skin that’s sort of stuck to your nail. You need to push the cuticles back towards the bottom of your nail so you can easily cut them off for a healthier nail. You can get wooden cuticle sticks to do this with and they’re typically double ended and the other end can be used to clear the dirt from under your nail. 


Clip it


As tempting as it will be, don’t just cut your nail entirely straight. Nails just aren’t designed for that as they naturally curve round. So, clip your nails and follow the natural curve.


The man files


Steal your girl’s nail file and get using it guys! In filing the top of the nail post clip, you’ll be able to round off the edges and reduce and snags and also stop in-grown nails occurring on your pretty hands.




Did you know that your skin is the same as everyone else’s on the planet and as your biggest organ (yes, really) you need to look after it as you would any other part of your body. So, slap on the moisturiser regularly and keep those hands hydrated and gorgeous.

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